Hi all,
I am helping Sandia Ranger District collect their volunteer hours and the time has come to submit hours for Quarter 3.
If you have not already supplied me hours for recent work April 1st through June 30th, then please do so. See below for details.
If you signed an attendance sheet on an organized crew, there is no need to report your hours. That attendance sheet gets turned-in to me by the crew leader, and your hours are recorded.
Otherwise, if you choose to record your own hours please use the attached form to document your hours.
If you find the form inconvenient, I'll take your hours in another form.
Include the date, hours, group(FOSM, Tijeras Pueblo, etc), and type of work performed.
Please submit hours as soon as possible.
If you plan to submit your cumulative hours for all 4 quarters the deadline for submitting all hours this year will be
September 15, 2023
If you have already provided your hours, thank you.
Crew leaders please make sure that you have a sign in sheet and everyone is signing it so I get an accurate count of volunteer hours.
Group leaders please send this email out to your volunteer contact list so we can ensure we have all hours.
Thank you all for your dedication to the Sandia Mountains and the Forest Service!

Katherine Haveman, M.Sc.
Recreation Partnership Coordinator
Forest Service
Cibola National Forest, Supervisor's Office
p: 505-346-3808
c: 505-221-7009
2113 Osuna Rd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

Caring for the land and serving people