Please plan to join us on the evening of August 1 to hear our own Shannon Braune tell us about Cibola Search and Rescue.
Date and Time - August 1, 7:00 PM
Location - Sandia Ranger Station conference room
Speaker - Hello, my name is Shannon Braune. I am a New Mexico native, dog mom, chaos gardener, tree hugger and probationary member of Cibola Search and Rescue. I have been a registered nurse for 13 years, primarily in the emergency department. I currently coordinate an Emergency department nurse residency program at Presbyterian hospital. Prior to nursing I worked in public health and was an EMT-B and Combat Medic in the Army Reserves. I have been involved with Cibola Search and Rescue for about a year and am currently on the public relations committee. I learned about Friends of the Sandia Mountains when I volunteered to provide medical support for the 2022 Sandia Snowshoe Classic. I have since become a FOSM member and hope to become more involved in the amazing work you all do.
Program abstract - This talk will consist as a general introduction to Cibola Search and Rescue including who we are, what we do, roles within the team, typical calls, membership/training, how we serve our community and how FOSM and CSAR can collaborate more in the future.
Topic: FOSM Membership MeetingTime: August 1, 2023 07:00 PM Mountain TimeJoin Zoom Meeting: ID: 836 0133 4660Passcode: 425574Dial in: 346-248-7799 (Not Toll Free)