Hello volunteers!
The time has come to do year end reporting in our Volunteer Service Reporting Database, VSR. This year, VSR is open and available for a limited time for reporting volunteer accomplishments. I will need to complete all reporting before
the end of the month.
If you have individual or group volunteer hours to report for Quarter 4 or for the entirety of the year (not yet reported) send them to me by September 22nd or sooner.
Some guidelines:
Individuals, DO NOT report your hours for group work days captured by your project leader. Project leaders, please send all 301b forms and work reports to me by September 22nd.
If work is planned for the last week of September, you may report that work to the volunteer coordinator after October 1st. The work will be accounted for.
If you turn in your timesheets by hand, please have those turned in to the Sandia Ranger District by September 22nd.
Your volunteer hours are being tracked and will accumulate towards recognition awards during this years’ Sandia Ranger District Volunteer Recognition Event held October 19th. Hours not reported will not count towards accomplishment awards. Be on
the lookout for more information regarding this event.

Katherine Haveman, M.Sc.
Recreation Partnership Coordinator
Forest Service
Cibola National Forest, Supervisor's Office
p: 505-346-3808
c: 505-221-7009
2113 Osuna Rd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

Caring for the land and serving people