Please see message below from Jennifer Medina-Gray. 

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Jennifer Medina-Gray <>
Date: November 15, 2023 at 4:42:20 PM MST
To: Byron Garner <>, Jenny Blackmore <>, Lou Romero <>, Scott Dietrich <>, Steve Roholt <>,,
Cc: "Berman, Russell - FS, NM" <>, "Medina-Gray, Jennifer - FS, NM" <>, "Nichols, Christopher - FS, NM" <>, "Padilla, Julie - FS, NM" <>,,
Subject: Workday at Tree Spring

Hello FOSM folks! This is Jen, the new Trails Foreman for the Sandias. We are planning a work day on the Tree Spring/Challenge trail. Can you share my following message with the rest of the volunteers? I am still working on getting into my government email and only have a few of your emails. Thank you! 

Dear wonderful volunteers,

To those of you I haven’t met yet, hello! I’m Jen Medina-Gray, the new Trails Foreman for the Sandia Ranger District. 

Now to the reason I am reaching out to you all. I know some of you have been getting wind of the trail conditions over at Tree Spring. There was a thinning project in the area and the Challenge trail needs a little help. The contractor has completed their work and a few of us forest service staff went over there today to determine any hand work that can be done in order for the trail to remain as sustainable as the day you all completed your work the first time. 

I would like to invite any of you who are interested to spend a day rehabbing the trail with us. We are considering having a work day this coming Friday or next Tuesday. If you are interested in joining us please respond with your availability. On either day we would meet at 8:15am at the Tree Spring trailhead and end work at 2:30pm to be back at our cars by 2:45pm. 

Work will consist of the following: 

-reestablishing tread 

-knocking down berm 

-putting large debris in downhill slopes to prevent people from cutting the trail

-getting rid of machine track marks 

…and maybe more! 

Thank you all for the hard work you have already put into the challenge trail, and all of the work you continue to do. I hope to see you out on the trail soon. 

All the Best,

Jen Medina-Gray