Hello everyone,
Well, for obvious reasons the trail construction crew has moved down the mountain for the remainder of the season. Completion of the Osha Loop extension will have to wait for spring. In the meantime, on Thursday we worked on the
Lower Pine Trail, in the Manzanitas out near Zuzax. Snow and mud prevented us from doing tread work this week, but we cleared a lot of corridor! See report below.
As many of you know, I have taken a job with the City of Albuquerque Open Space Division, Volunteer Program Coordinator. While I'm excited for this new chapter, the transition is bittersweet for me, as it means giving up working on the trails with FOSM. Thursday was my last day as Project Leader for the trail construction crew. If we're able to get out next week I hope to attend (though not as a leader), since it will be my last available Thursday before my new job starts. What an incredible privilege it has been to swing tools with this amazingly dedicated, skilled, fun and friendly(!) crew for the last six years. I will miss it with all my heart.
Very best,
Jenny Blackmore