Hello Everyone,
On Wednesday, March 13, the objective of the FOSM project will be to finish processing the donation firewood at Cienega PA in preparation for hauling
it to a Church woodlot before the gate is opened to the public.
At the Group PA, split the green pine quarter-rounds into smaller pieces using Lou’s power splitter and pile them on the NE edge of the parking lot for easy and efficient loading onto a trailer at a later date.
Move the mechanical splitter up the trail above the NW corner of the upper Cienega parking lot. Split the 12-inch and larger green white fir rounds and Rocky Mountain juniper rounds and haul the wood in 2-3 wheelbarrows to the
edge of the parking lot.
Push the splitter from Cienega Road up Acequia Trail to the junction with Wagon Trail to split the pine 12"+ and smaller rounds previously bucked. Haul the split wood in wheelbarrows down Acequia Trail to the edge of Cienega
Rd for ease of loading onto a trailer.
TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES: 3 of the new SRD wheelbarrows; fuel & starter fluid for the splitter and a few chainsaws.
Hopefully we will have at least 10 volunteers for "feeding" rounds to the splitter and shuttling loaded wheelbarrows.
Meet at 8 am at the FOSM Guard Station behind the Ranger Station. Note earlier meeting time.
Wear sturdy boots with slip-resistant soles, long pants, and a long sleeve shirt. Bring a warm jacket, lunch, snacks, drinks, work gloves, hard hat,
and hearing and eye protection.
Lou Romero and Dan Benton
FOSM Project Leaders