Hello Everyone,

On Wednesday, May 8, FOSM volunteers will work on three water barrel stands to go behind the Ranger Station. The barrels will collect rain water from the roof to water nearby vegetation.

These stands are constructed with pressure treated 4x4 legs and 2x6 lumber frames and tops. We will finish two stands for 36-inch barrels and build one complete stand for a 27-inch barrel.

Meet at 8 am at the FOSM Guard Station behind the Ranger Station on Wed., May 8. Note earlier meet time. 

Wear long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and boots with slip-resistant soles. Bring a hard hat, work gloves, eye and ear protection, snacks, lunch, and drinks. 

Bring carpentry tools. We will work in the SRD wood shop. 

Please email me if you have questions.

Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains