Below is a message from Steve Roholt, Nominating Committee Chair.
Hello Everyone:
FOSM's annual election will be held at our October 1, 2024 general meeting.
Our 4 officers(President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) serve one year terms.
President Mike Madden, Vice President Cliff Giles, and Secretary Silke Bletzer have agreed to serve another 1 year term.
Our Treasurer Tim Brown is stepping down after 18 years(3 on the board, followed by 15 as Treasurer). Thank you Tim!
We are seeking a replacement for Tim.
He is willing to brief potential nominees as to his duties, time commitments, etc.
Our Treasurer should have a skill set that matches the position.
Our 8 board members serve 2 year terms, in staggered groups of 4.
While they are up for election, board members Sam Beard, Byron Garner and Sim Cook have agreed to serve another 2 year term.
However, after serving 5 years, board member Eric Russell has decided to step down from his position. Thank you Eric!
We need a replacement for Eric. His position is board member at-large.
Board members support various FOSM activities, helping out where needed.
I am an at-large board member, chairing the Nominating Committee this year. We would like to finalize our election ballot by 8/15/2024.
Know that this is an open election, and once we have committed nominees, the President will send ballots to all active FOSM members.
You can nominate yourself, or anyone else you think is qualified.
Please email me by August 14
Steven Roholt