Hello FOSM Members:
Please see the attached FOSM 2024-25 Election Ballot of candidates for Officers and Board of Directors.
Notice that Steve Roholt, Jamey Browning, Jenny Blackmore, and Joe Meade are not on the ballot.
They have a second year to serve, of their two year term, and comprised this year's Nominating Committee.
Most of the candidates are incumbents, whose term has expired, but wish to run for re-election.
For the two new candidates, Susan Gregory and Jeff Young, see the attached bio sheet.
To keep things simple, if you are in favor of all candidates listed on the ballot, and have no "write-ins",
then do nothing, and your vote will be counted 'FOR' all candidates listed.
The FOSM Annual Meeting of the Membership will be held Tuesday October 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Tijeras Ranger Station.
If no 'write-ins' are received, a vote by members present at that meeting will be taken to elect those names on the ballot by acclamation.
Remember - Only current FOSM members are eligible to vote.
If you wish to mail-in a paper ballot, please print the attached ballot, and mail it according to the instructions therein.
Mike Madden, President
Friends of the Sandia Mountains