Hello wonderful FOSM members,


I wanted to let all of you know that the Nine Mile Picnic Site is now officially open to the public after many years of closure.


The efforts that have gone into renovating this site include many wonderful efforts by FOSM members and we want to say THANK YOU to all of you who contributed your time and talents.


I  lost track of all of the wood that was removed and processed for the wood ministry! Not to mention the skilled talents in renovating the rock wall and old rock grill, the recent painting and graffiti removal work and of course all of the incredible work that went into the nearby Challenge Trail!


We would love to see you at a mini celebration of the site on Wednesday August 25th from 9:00am – 11:00am so we can share our gratitude.


With much appreciation for all of you,




Forest Service Shield

Julie Padilla, (she/her/hers)
Recreation Staff Officer

Forest Service

Cibola National Forest, Sandia Ranger District

p: 505-933-0711

11776 NM-337
Tijeras, NM 87059
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