Today 6 FOSM volunteers continued brushing where we left off a week ago, on our semi-annual Crest Road Adopt-A-Highway clean-up. Yesterday Sam Beard had prepared 6 small chainsaws at the Guard Station for today's task of finishing the remaining quarter mile of densely overgrown brush along the guardrail between milepost 4 and 5. Sam Beard, Don Carnicom, Cliff Giles, Tim Kirkpatrick, Jamey Browning, and Mike Madden met at our AAH pullout at 10am. I estimated it would take two hours, finishing by noon. 4 certified sawyers handled pole saw & chainsaws, since the trees were up to 5" in diameter! Our goal was to clear about 6 feet beyond the guardrail. Don used a brush cutter. Cliff used loppers. We finished the job at 11:55am, 5 minutes early! A beautiful day on the mountain... sunny, warm, no wind. Check-out our mile 4-5 handiwork the next time you're heading up there.