On Friday 11/1/24, with Canyon and Jen's permission, there were two efforts going on:
1) Mike Madden and Luis Cuadros installed blue diamonds on the newly rerouted Kiwanis Meadow Trail. They also hiked 10K South and installed blue diamonds on the Double Eagle Trail, which includes the new reroutes. They stopped blazing at King of the Mountain Trail junction.
2) Steve Roholt, Jamey Browning and sawyer Scott Dietrich widened the bottom 200 running feet of Switchback Trail(from Kiwanis Meadow Trail junction down to the Ellis Trail Head). This was done to facilitate two way traffic out-and-back for the Snowshoe Race. Cibola SAR will have a water and first aid station at Ellis TH on race day. Debris was cleared to a width of about 8 feet. Trail tread was left alone.

This work was done just in time, as the mountain received its first snow of the season over the weekend!