All FOSM Volunteers:

This is the monthly call for your November individual volunteer hours.
If you failed to report any individual hours since September 16, you can report them now.
The weekly crew leaders(Bob, Sam, Laura) have already provided their crew's hours by individual into our FY2025 FOSM hours tracker, so if you signed an attendance sheet, your hours are already covered.
Basically, report any and all individual time spent in a FOSM activity which pertains to the District.
The following are some guidelines, and not meant to be a comprehensive list(FS clarifications from FY2024 are noted in red):

Do report:
  • any hours serving the District while acting on your own or with companions. This may also include any work done following a weekly crew.
  • any hikes with findings or work done which was reported to Cibola Trail Rangers(CTR).
  • any training hours, such as brushing training, sawyer certifications or medical classes.
  • any upkeep hours, such as physical inventory, organizing the Guard Station, acquiring supplies, tool maintenance.
  • any administrative hours, such as the website, archives, meetings, project reports, Treasurer reports.
  • any Adopt-A-Trail or Adopt-A-Drop hours. (Dan Benton is the Coordinator)
  • include ONLY that portion of travel time which originates from the Ranger Station or FOSM Guard Station.(imagine punching a time clock there)
Do not report:
  • any hours where you were a part of a weekly crew and entered your name on a sign-in sheet, as those hours are tracked separately.
  • any travel time directly from home to the work site.
  • any tabling event hours.
  • any Sandia Snowshoe Classic hours, since FOSM charges a fee for the event.
  • any Adopt-A-Highway clean-up hours, as this is an arrangement with NMDOT.
  • any Sandia Crest Historic Sign hours at the Hwy 14 roundabout, as this is an arrangement with NMDOT.
  • any wildlife drinker hours outside the National Forest.

For this request, we just need a list of dates and your hours, no location or task description.
Send your hours to Rav Nicholson at . Thank you Rav!
We sincerely appreciate everything you do!

Mike Madden
FOSM President