Cliff, thanks so much for being the hoarder you have been over our archived farm data! This is just so excellent! Can’t thank you enough and wishing everybody a happy new year Joe
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 1, 2025, at 9:56 AM, FOSM Webmaster via Volunteers_fosm <> wrote:

FOSM Members/Volunteers


Happy New Year!!


Perhaps qualifying me as a hoarder, I’ve saved essentially every email I’ve received since joining FOSM 7 years ago including the very informative reports written by project leaders after every outing. Most reports include photographs illustrating the work and the beauty of our beloved mountains. Each of you receives a copy of these reports, and Sam Beard includes summaries of the activities in his annual newsletter with 30 or so of the hundreds of photos taken that year.


Since assuming the webmaster role, I’ve felt that more could be done to preserve these reports and photographs and make them easily accessible especially to prospective new FOSM members exploring what we do and how they might fit in. A couple of years ago, I began converting the reports to pdf format and providing links to them on the appropriate webpages.


After our recent implementation of a FOSM Microsoft 365 account, I decided to take preservation to the next level by collecting the reports and photographs in SharePoint folders then creating slideshows allowing yearly activities to be reviewed in a few minutes. You can find the results here:


You will find a dearth of photographs from 2018 because the Yahoo server being used at the time no longer allows access to the email attachments. If authors of those reports still have access to the attachments, I’ll be happy to find a way to get them to me for adding to the repository.  


I wish all of you a happy and prosperous 2025. Think snow!


Cliff Giles

FOSM Webmaster





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