----- Original Message -----
From: Medina-Gray, Jennifer - FS, NM
To: Volunteers_fosm
Cc: Young, Canyon - FS, NM ; Duckworth, Sarah - FS, NM
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 11:46 AM
Subject: Project to Move Embudito Informational Sign on 1/21

Hello wonderful FOSM Volunteers,


Happy new year to you all! I hope everyone has had some time to rest and rejuvenate over the holiday season. In the spirit of a new year and new projects, I am looking for 3-4 folks who are available on Tuesday 1/21 to help move this Embudito informational sign that was recently identified by Dan Benton and restored by Sam Beard.





The sign is not near the current official trail alignment, and we would like to move it to where the trail intersects with a popular user trail. This graphic shows the current location of the sign (red circle) and where we would like to move it.




Additionally, I have welded a new steel sign for the junction that we will work to install a little past the junction along the official trail. We will meet at the Embudito parking area at 9am on Tuesday 1/21. Please let me know if you are available to help or if you have any questions.



Forest Service Shield

Jen Medina-Gray (they/them) Why this matters
Trails Foreman 

Forest Service

Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands, Sandia Ranger District

c: 505-607-3610

p: 505-281-3304

11776 HWY 337

Tijeras, NM 87059
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