[LWVNM Action] FW: Live stream of Supreme Court argument Tuesday in case concerning special session

Meredith Machen mermachen at cybermesa.com
Mon Jun 15 18:20:53 MDT 2020

See below. 
Meredith Machen
League of Women Voters of New Mexico                                            
 <tel:505-577-6337> 505-577-6337 c
projects at lwvnm.org
meredith.machen at gmail.com
Empowering Voters - Defending Democracy
From: Barry Massey [mailto:bmassey at nmcourts.gov] 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 5:51 PM
To: Machen, Meredith
Subject: Live stream of Supreme Court argument Tuesday in case concerning special session
Dr. Machen,
Here is a link to a live stream by New Mexico PBS of oral arguments in a case before the Supreme Court concerning closure of the Capitol during this week's special session of the Legislature.
The hearing is Tuesday (June 16) at 1:30 p.m.
Information about the live stream will be posted on the Judiciary's website on the News page <https://www.nmcourts.gov/news.aspx> . It's not up yet, however.
Barry Massey
Public Information Officer
NM Administrative Office of the Courts
505-827-4805  office
505-470-3436  cell
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