[LWVNM Action] [immigration] Supreme Court ruled to preserve DACA protections for 700K, LWV Convention Caucus on Immigration and Climate Change

Meredith Machen mermachen at cybermesa.com
Thu Jun 18 12:56:19 MDT 2020

Several Immigration Items Here
1.     DACAs: Supreme Ct rules that DACAs are safe from deportation now, but DREAM Act legislation still held up in Senate where good bills go to die. 

The Supreme Court just ruled to preserve protections for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants for now
Here’s what you need to know about this hard-won victory for DACA recipients.

Vox: https://apple.news/AuVyejP5vQhmJCmAfTpydVQ
2.    LWV Convention Caucus on Immigration-Attendees will get LWVNM’s Immigration Reform Statement that originated from  LWVSNM’s great work. I sent this statement out on LWVUS State Leaders list and the LWVUS Immigration Discussion Group in January when the LWVNM adopted it. Great interest and appreciation ensued. Note that our previous LWV liaison and my co-manager of the Imm Discussion Group, Linda Wassenich, is on the panel. 
See the below in the attached impressive list of caucuses that will be held next week and register for one! They are free to members
Tuesday June 23
4pm-5pm MT
Climate Migration, Immigration and Human Rights: What You Need to Know! 
LWV of Oregon 
 Climate migration is a humanitarian crisis and a human rights issue. With the League of Women Voters celebrating its centennial, it is appropriate to lift up the unique role it played in the development of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is a key that makes democracy work.  
Actionable takeaways attendees expect to gain from this caucus: 
*	Recognize the issue of climate refugees as it relates to climate emergency and strategies to address it with humanitarian and democratic principles,
*	Better understanding the history and opportunities, and how to work with local immigration and refugee policy to protect human rights,
*	Encourage Leagues to incorporate in their climate emergency plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, environmental justice which includes humanitarian refugee issues of citizens and non-citizens migrating to safer locations. 
Confirmed Panelists: Dr Linda Wassenich, former LWV board member and LWV Immigration Google Group rep and Dr. Edward Maibach, Director of Mason’s Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University. Invited Panelists: Monica Hopkins, ACLU of the District of Columbia, ED and Lydia Walther-Rodriguez, CASA local region ED. 
Immigration 101: Counties and the Federal Immigration System
Feb. 20, 2020, Webinar aired.
Contact Eryn Hurley(202) 942-4204  <mailto:ehurley at naco.org> ehurley at naco.org
 <https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8637488874953565954> WATCH RECORDING Click yellow to register to access the recording. 
The United States’ immigration system is complex and oftentimes difficult to understand. Given the central role of county governments in ensuring the health and safety of all members of local communities, it is important for county leaders to understand how this system works at the national and local levels. Join NACo and the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) for a primer on how our nation’s immigration system works. In addition to the primer, BPC will also cover topics including major laws affecting immigration today and the path for U.S. citizenship.
4. Please tell me if you are interested in joining the LWVNM Immigration Committee. Our position is listed under the Committee description here 
 <https://lwvnm.org/programs.html> https://lwvnm.org/programs.html  
We are very fortunate to have enlightened policies!  Last session, we successfully advocated for NM to pass a law allowing non-citizens to get professional licensure!
We also fought many times for our great drivers’ licenses policies. 
Our advocacy matters!!!
Meredith Machen
League of Women Voters of New Mexico                                            
 <tel:505-577-6337> 505-577-6337 c
projects at lwvnm.org
meredith.machen at gmail.com
Empowering Voters - Defending Democracy

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