[LWVNM Action] LWVNM Webinar on Taxes and Funding for Essential Services - December 16 - 6:30 - 7:30 pm

Richard Mason dickmasonnm at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 19:21:32 MST 2020

*Save the Date*

*League of Women Voters of New Mexico (LWVNM) Webinar*

*Wednesday, December 16,  2020: 6:30 to 7:30 pm*

*Taxes and Funding for Essential Services - Amber Wallin, Deputy Director,
New Mexico Voices for *

*Children*: Amber oversees New Mexico Voices for Children’s research and
policy work.  She also

manages the KIDS COUNT program and does policy research on education, tax
and budget, hunger, and

economic issues.  She joined NM Voices in 2012 as a Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities Fellow, after

 which she was a Research and Policy Analyst and later KIDS COUNT Director.
 Amber has worked in

the public sector at the municipal, state, and federal levels, working in
the government department at New

Mexico State University and the budget department at the city of Las Cruces
prior to joining the Voices

team. She received her MPA from NMSU. Voices for Children also convenes the
Fairness Project.

The Fairness Project brings together groups working for fair taxation and
funding for essential services.
The LWVNM is a member.
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