[LWVNM Action] Action Meeting - January 14 at 4 pm

Renny Ashleman ashlemanr at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 13:09:39 MST 2022

As Dick knows, items not in budget I. E. Individual budget bills have even tougher road in the short session. Again not impossible for right item or heavyweight sponsorship. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 10, 2022, at 12:38 PM, Richard Mason via Action <action at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
> I am attaching a document that details how the LWVNM takes a position on legislation. We ask that any person requesting that the League support/oppose legislation to cite the supporting LWV p\osition.
> The bottom of the document explains the legislative process for a bill with an appropriation.
> Dick Mason
> Topic: Action Meeting - January 14 at 4 pm
> Time: This is a recurring meeting - every Friday at 4 pm through February 18
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