[LWVNM Action] LWVNM positions on state finances

Richard Mason dickmasonnm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 12:11:35 MST 2022

I have bolded some key points.  Dick Mason

(Adopted 1971; revised 1975, 1983, 1989, 2017)

The League of Women Voters of New Mexico believes that a fair tax must be

   1. *equitable, taking into consideration relevant differences between
   persons, such as their annual income*
   2. certain, not arbitrary
   3. convenient with respect to timing and manner of payment
   4. economical to collect
   5. *adequate to finance the essentials of government.*

*The tax system in New Mexico should be progressive.* LWVNM may support
taxes that are regressive if it is determined that the tax will achieve a
socially desirable objective.

In evaluating the average burden of taxation within the state, taxes should
be compared with income of New Mexico residents; in comparing the burden of
taxation in New Mexico with the burden imposed by other states, state and
local taxes should be combined.

*Tax credits and/or deductions should be evaluated based on promotion of
equity and the efficiency with which they achieve their purpose. (this is
why we support sunset clauses that require credits to be reviewed

*Tax credits may be a means of providing relief from the regressive nature
of the sales and property tax.*

The League believes it is the state's obligation to collect revenues to
fund services that are generally state responsibilities, rather than depend
on cities and counties to raise the funds.
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