[LWVNM Action] Summary of last night's meeting

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Tue Dec 10 10:11:30 MST 2024

Thanks for a good meeting last night. Here's a summary, for those who couldn't make it:

Regular Action meetings during the session will be on Wednesdays at 6pm.

We have a long list of possible priorities; we have to pick three as our top priorities to be approved by the LWVNM board. That doesn't mean we won't continue to advocate for our secondary priorities!

Some priority areas, with a few bills we think might be discussed in this session:

Voting, Elections and Good Government
    Redistricting – for now
    Salary Commission – paid legislature
    gas & oil royalty rates – also supports education
    Water issues – funding to implement past bills, aquifer mapping, surface water permitting, non-hunted wildlife
Health Care
    Medicaid Forward
    Healthcare workforce
    Oversight of insurance & provider consolidation
Added at the meeting:
  Immigration: stop sharing of data with ICE. Look at SB135 (2024).
  Education: keep immigration raids out of schools

If you have other areas you think should be considered, please post it to this list, and describe types of bills you expect to see that our positions cover. Remember, we can't advocate for anything that isn't covered by our positions:

Our next Action meeting will be Wed, Dec 18 at 6pm, to finalize the priority list.

Thanks, everybody!


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