Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Thu Jan 11 10:54:39 MST 2024

As I understand it, as unpaid lobbyists for a nonprofit, we need to register as lobbyists but we don't have to fill out forms about money spent and which bills we've lobbied on.

It looks like HB85 would change that: I don't see any exceptions for unpaid/nonprofit lobbying, so I think we'd have to file just like paid lobbyists. Am I just missing the exceptions?


This part is interesting:
"The lobbying activity reported for each specific piece of legislation shall be included or linked on the legislature's website for that specific piece of legislation." That would be interesting to know at the time; but since the reports only come in after the end of the session, that makes it a lot less useful.

I like this part:
"... lobbying activity reports shall be kept and maintained on the secretary of state's lobbyist disclosure website and shall be available in searchable and downloadable formats."
which means that it would be easy to make reports of which corporations are spending how much on which bills.


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