[NMCycling] TNC course change

hawke morgan yourstruly at fastmail.com
Tue Sep 7 13:42:46 MDT 2021


I just heard from the county and they cannot get the permit for tonight, but feel pretty confident they can get it by next week 9/14.  
If you still want to do a crit, I have a course that I think will be OK.  It will NOT be closed, I have NO permit, but there are very few cars back there.  We can still do a little crit, if you are game.  It is kind of a fun course and it will be interesting to check it out.  It will be on Crick Dr and and Hawking Dr.  We will just do a voluntary contribution or $10 instead of the normal $15 as it is less of a service.  I will still score it like normal, and we will do our normal schedule.  

Meet here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/35%C2%B000'01.1%22N+106%C2%B036'57.5%22W/@35.0003056,-106.6181609,858m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d35.0002906!4d-106.6159628?hl=en

A note on Mexican Crits.  I received comment that this term could be possibly interpreted as some kind of a slur.  It is, as far as I understand, a general term like rather like "German potato salad."  It indicates a different style which in not superior or inferior to our American style, just different.  It is just how the Mexican cycling community organizes often cycling events.  I have done several in Mexico that were very cool bike races.  However, if you are Mexican, and consider this offensive, let me know.  

Best Regards,

Hawke Morgan
Round About Co.
(505) 259-6885
yourstruly at fastmail.com

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