Good Afternoon,As many of you already know, there is an a riders shortage on the Reaper, slick Fiddy, and apparently Sherrifs ride in New Mexico. In an effort to continue to have a robust group ride schedule and promote growth in the sport, NMBRA(or somethin) would like to invite you to be pack fodder. NMBRA is looking for at least 8 individuals and is prepared to reimburse any newly licensed official their training costs(up to and including 0$) after riding 3 rides within the following calendar year. NMBRA would like to schedule a training clinic ASAP so please send an email to <someone's name and email address here>. (Training clinic to be held a regularly scheduled group rides) Currently the future of bicycle racing in New Mexico rests on people willing to meet at the believers center, lobo statue and train station. Please don't hesitate to contact <someone's name and email address here> if you have any questions or interest.NMBRABrian-------- Original message --------From: Silvio Menezes via Bike-racers <>Date:11/03/2017 3:10 PM (GMT-07:00)To: Dennis Chavez <>Cc: Sarah Fair <>, Bike Racers <>Subject: Re: [NMCycling] DRAFT-Email to List ServeSounds good Dennis..On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Dennis Chavez <> wrote:How about this?Good Afternoon,As many of you already know, there is an an officials shortage in New Mexico. In an effort to continue to have a robust race schedule and promote growth in the sport, NMBRA would like to invite you to become an official. NMBRA is looking for at least 8 individuals and is prepared to reimburse any newly licensed official their training costs after working 3 races within the following calendar year. NMBRA would like to schedule a training clinic ASAP so please send an email to <someone's name and email address here>. Currently the future of bicycle racing in New Mexico rests on people willing to become officials. Please don't hesitate to contact <someone's name and email address here> if you have any questions or interest.NMBRAOn Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Sarah Fair <> wrote:Good Afternoon,As you know NM has an officials shortage. If we want to continue to have a robust race schedule and grow the sport we need people to be officials. The NMBRA Board wants to hold an officials clinic. We are looking for 8-10 people willing to be officials. NMBRA is prepared to offer incentives such as reimbursement of the cost of becoming an official after working 3 races to those individuals and teams willing to become officials. Please let us know if you are interested and we will schedule a clinic. The future of NM bike racing rests on people willing to become officials. Let us know if you have any questionsThanks,NMBRA