Hi folks,

If you are looking for something a little different and fun check out the DAD in Raton next weekend. I have never raced the DAD but I can vouch for the awesomeness of racing in Raton because their companion race, the Master Of the Mountain (MOM) is a blast. Great volunteers and a such a fun race. Anyway, here is the info about the DAD and check out their website to register: http://www.ratondad.com/

Calling all riders!  The DOWN AND DIRTY mountain bike race challenges you to mountainside adventure and glory.   Bike from 6,950 feet to 8,200 feet in several loops and battle through multiple stations and challenges along the way that will test your prowess in a variety of physical and mental skills (and have some fun along the way).  Earn stamps in your "passport to glory" by completing all the stations; then race for the finish

WHEN:  Saturday, August 18, 2018
TIME:  8am (mandatory pre-race meeting) | 9am race
WHERE:  Race will begin and end at Visitor’s Center, Sugarite Canyon State Park, just outside Raton, New Mexico
     SOLO: $40
     TEAM OF TWO:  $30/person ($60 total)

     REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  August 17, 2018
     Distance:  15+Miles

Thanks, Mandy 

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