Please consider participating in the inaugural Haka bike race. Please pass the word/email...

If you plan to participate, please register. We have a cap on the number of people who can sign up.

Beer garden, 4 brewers with taps and food trucks at the finish.

If the Haka is not for you, then browse the web site for lots of other events that will be happening that weekend. There are also lots of volunteer opportunities over the course of the weekend.

I hope to see you there!

Carl Gable
Santa Fe Haka Mountain Bike Marathon
Saturday Sept 1
Glorieta Camp

Sign Up:

Haka: traditional dance of the Māori people. “We don’t own this place, we belong to it. We are guardians of this place.”

What: A mountain bike race. No entry fee (donations ARE welcome), no t-shirt, no podium, just bragging rights. The course WILL be something to brag about. It will be big. It will be in the backcountry on rugged single track. It will be a quality course if you don’t mind a bit of hike-a-bike and some downed trees. You will need to use your judgment and decide which parts of the downhill you should ride and which parts you may just want to walk. Race as an individual or sign up with friends and ride a bit, backcountry course together.

Where: Start/Finish will be at Glorieta Camp RV parking lot. The vast majority of the A and B course will be in Santa Fe National Forest outside Glorieta Camp. The entire course will be marked so no maps or GPS will be necessary to navigate the course.

• A (BIG) Loop: ~28 miles, 4800+ vertical feet, mid-pack finish time 5.5 hours.
• B (not as BIG) Loop: ~16 miles, 3000 vertical feet, mid-pack finish time 3 hours.

The A loop will have a bail out spot at approx. 18 miles in case anyone is not up for the full A loop. We will also offer water at the 18 mile bail out spot and we will shuttle drop bags to the 18 mile point. Plan your food and water accordingly. You will be self supported during the race.

NOTE: The full course will be serious undertaking. Don’t let the mileage lull you into a false sense of security. This will be a big day for the A and B groups. Anyone feeling up to the challenge is encouraged to participate.

Cold beverages will be served at the finish.


Carl W Gable


Carl W Gable


Carl W Gable