Please read on!

There two traffic safety bills making progress through their assigned House Committees, which is great news.  The bills need your help!  Let's work together so that both bills continue on, & get to the Governor's desk.

To make contacting your State Representative and Senator as easy as possible, watch this 45 second tutorial video!

Then, using the phone number or email provided, let them know you, as their constituent, want them to support the bills.

HB109 concerns Careless Driver Accountability.  It seeks to increase the penalties that can be imposed on a careless driver who kills or causes great bodily harm to another road user.  This includes everyone who uses our streets, roads and highways; cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, and anyone in any other type of motor vehicle are all equally protected.

HB 192 concerns Passing Cyclists with 5' Distance.  It requires motorists to pass cyclists with 5' and allows motorists to cross a double yellow line, when opposing traffic allows, to pass with 5'. This is not stipulated elsewhere in the NM Traffic Code.

The Careless Driver Accountability bill will next go to the House Appropriations and Finance Committee.  Contacting the members of this Committee will help the bill make it through this committee faster.    

Time is of the essence, so both bills make it all the way through the House and Senate before the end of the session.  Follow the link or see the list of Appropriations Committee members below.

Doesn't matter what your history is with law making or the government.  It might seem strange or hopeless to you, or you might already be involved in some way.  And no, these bills are not enough on their own to change traffic safety.  But they are a step in the right direction and you can influence what happens in Santa Fe.

Contact your New Mexico Representative and Senator today!

PLEASE consider forwarding this on to others you know who share your concerns about traffic safety.

Any questions, please email me back!

Jennifer Buntz
Duke City Wheemen

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