Niner RLT RDO Blaze Yellow 56cm Ultegra. I purchased this bike new last year. I'm selling it because the frame is too big for me. I used the bike predominantly for bike touring. I upgraded the saddle to a Sella Italia Flight, swapped the HB for Ritchey Alloy WCS 46cm and added WTB Nano 40c tires with tubeless setup.
Frame - 56cm
Wheels - Niner Carbon rims w/ DT Swiss 305 hubs, 20mm Depth, 24.8mm outer, 17mm inner
Tires - WTB 40c NANO Race
Crankset - Ultegra 172.5 46/36
Rear Der - Ultegra
Front Der - Ultegra
Shifters/ Brakes - Ultegra, 140cm rear/160cm front
Seat - Sella Italia Flight
Seat post - Niner Carbon 27.2
Stem - Niner Alloy
HB - Ritchey Alloy WCS 46cm
text or email me if you want to see more pictures