Online registration closes tomorrow at 11:59pm
Claim your spot for La Mosca Bicicleta today!

In person registration will be happening at the Trek Superstore Thursday June 27 from 4-6pm.  

I will also be at the Route 66 Junkyard Brewery from 5-6pm on Friday June 28, but the $15.00 late fee will apply then or Saturday morning (6-6:30 am).

You'll want generous gearing for this event, as well as wide tires.  Road bikes are not recommended.  Cross bikes with gear/tire modifications or mountain bikes will serve you much better for this event.

4 Aid Stations will be stocked with:
Fig bars
Goldfish and Cheez-It crackers
Chips at the finish

Packets will include single serving, powered electrolyte packets you can take with you on the course and mix with water from the aid stations.  

Location of one of the aid stations has changed so that they are better spaced after the addition of a 4th stop.  Cue sheets will be sent to everyone who registers at New Mexico Sports Online and paper copies will be available at packet pickup/late registration.

The two distances have course files linked at
You can download these to your device.  Email me if you want a gpx file.

Men's and Women's style t-shirts this year.  
