If you're training to compete, keto will tank your training for about a month until you adapt to the diet.  It appears that you never catch up after that.

If you're not concerned about that, keto is as effective as any other diet for losing weight.  That is, it works if you stick to it, and it works if you don't treat it like magic.  It's just another way to induce a caloric deficit.  People do overeat on keto and gain weight when they think it's a license to eat all the bacon.

Try this tool, combined with a digital scale, if you want to ensure compliance with your diet:



John Vance

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 10:42 AM Craig M. Doolittle via Bike-racers <bike-racers@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

Hello All,


I am starting a Keto diet as I am way overweight (I also have lung issues that prevent me from “just riding it all off” like in the old days).  But, I’m also trying to get in shape to do the Tour of the Rio Grande this year.


Any advice, comment, opinions regarding training (fairly hard rides relative to me) and Keto?  Can the two (training and no carbs) go together?






Craig Doolittle

Senior Engineer


ARA Office: 505.883.3636

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