The following link is a good read for following social protocol which advocates solo riding rather than group riding. Per this article Rio Cycling club has suspended our weekly group ride and encouraged to do solo rides until further notice.

Roy Sturm, RIO Cycling Club


From: Bike-racers [] On Behalf Of John Vance via Bike-racers
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 10:51 AM
To: Bike Racers <>
Subject: [NMCycling] Latest Public Health Order and Cycling Events


The latest public health order bans gatherings of more than 10 people.  An argument could be made that this does not apply to outdoor gatherings, but I think that would be missing the point.


Given this and the physical reality that is coming to pass, I think any cycling events including group rides are ill advised.  This applies to events or rides that are not already covered by the latest statement from USA Cycling, such as the New Mexico Endurance Series.


Italy and Spain have outright outlawed riding outside for recreational purposes.  3000 euro fine and jail time.  We don't want to get there, as that would be a result of our failure to take common sense precautions like above, and things get that draconian when they're stacking people up in hospital hallways to die due to lack of resources.

