[Hhsband] notes from the band booster meeting

Mary Scofield maryscof at scofie.net
Wed Jul 26 16:50:07 MDT 2017

July 24, 2017  6pm

Band Booster Meeting at Band room

Band Camp Schedule:

Marching Band Program will be Michael Jackson.  The songs will be: 
  Thriller (check out the Highland Band website to see Ms. G 
demonstrating the dance moves), I Want You Back, Billy Jean, Smooth 

The next two weeks will be full day band camp

-Dawn Graber and Anne Schmauss  will be in charge of making sure the 
water jugs are filled by 8am all next week
-Kathy Isaccson and Mike Goodrich will be in charge of that the 
following week
Friday,*July 28th *Water Balloon Fight.  Need volunteers to help Mike 
Goodrich with filling balloons and transportation of said balloons etc. 
Contact him at gogoodrich at yahoo.com

Thursday, Aug, 10 at 12pm. Ice cream party.  Mary Scofield will bring 
the ice cream.. Need volunteers to help serve

-Friday, Aug 11 end of band camp concert;
         Boosters are in charge of after concert dinner
             -Need a couple of boosters to bring 2 more grills to the 
dinner (we will have a total of 5).
             -Need booster parents to help out with grilling (starting 
at 4:30) and serving (help before and after the concert)
             -Mary Scofield will bring the meat, veggie burgers, buns, 
             -Ms G will coordinate what band kids will bring for the 
side dishes

Concert will be outside--attenders should bring lawn chairs to sit and 
watch the performance
Dye Party after the concert and dinner--Mike Goodrich is in charge of 
this.  Need volunteers for set-up and clean-up.

Saturday, August 11 11-2.  Car Wash at Jim's Automotive on Zuni and 
Washington.  Need all students available.  Dawn Graber and Anne Schmauss 
will be in charge

Saturday, August 26--March-A-Thon.  Mike Goodrich has secured all the 
necessary permits for the event.
     -Band meet at Ridgecrest Park at 8am.  Step off at 9:30 am
     -Door -to-door flyering--Anne Schmauss, Dawn Graber and Denise 
Tomlin will be in charge of getting students to do this
     -John and Elaine will check on advertising with local radio stations
     -Mike Goodrich will advertise this on all his social media platforms
     -Dawn Graber will advertise on Nextdoor website
     -On all advertising--money raised will go to:  uniforms and 
accessories for marching band program, band truck (stolen etc), and 
buses to transport kids to fall football games ($400 per game)
     -Ryan Goodrich will bring U of M musicians along to help play or do 
what is needed during March-A-Thon

First home football game is late--Sept 22

Update on Band Truck
   -Not totaled, estimation to fix is $15000.  Insured through APS. 
Truck is at Maintenance.  Don't know how long it will be before it is 
fixed.  Sounds like we will have a loaner truck for the beginning of 
band season a BIG thank you to APS food services as they are lending us 
a decommissioned truck!!!!.  Mike Goodrich and/or Mary Scofield will try 
to get all the tie-downs from the truck so that we can us them in the 
loaner truck

Ms. G asked the Band Boosters to put $1500-$2000 aside to pay for Mason 
and Mr. Sorenson, both of whom are helping with marching band this year.

Fundraising Idea:  Pancake breakfast at Applebees on Gibson. Ryan 
Goodrich knows who to contact regarding this.  He will let Ms. G know.

Denise Tomlin is our Pagent of Bands representative.  Elizabeth Robison 
is staying on to help until we find another person willing to take this 
on.  So,  we need a booster to volunteer for this position.  They say 
the meetings are fun!!!!!!

Mary Scofield asks that boosters keep a notebook and write down 
procedures of events that they have been in charge of over the course of 
their involvement.  There are several band boosters with kids who are 
seniors so we need to make a big effort to recruit new band boosters.  
We will have a sign up sheet at the Friday end-of-band-camp concert for 
parents to sign up if they would like to be part of the boosters.

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