[Hhsband] Upcoming stuff

Gonzales, Josephine josephine.gonzales at aps.edu
Mon Jul 16 10:57:29 MDT 2018

Band Camp!

Mike, I think there might be a faucet at the PAC we can use. I know we've used it in the past for car washes, but there might be a special key to access it...

On Friday let's plan on water fight around 3:40 (we can start earlier if you think 20 min won't be enough) and do our normal release at 4.

End of BC concert is set for Friday the 10th. Concert starts at 6, potluck etc afterwards. Same as last year, but I would like to perform outside if weather permits.

Whatever you bring to the room people will eat (otter pops, water, snacks etc.) but we don't need anything pressing.

Ice cream party is the Thursday before the last day, so the 9th. If I can get the gym we'll do dodgeball, but the facilities are still under construction so we might have to find something else to do again.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

Josephine Gonzales
Director of Bands<http://highlandhighband.wordpress.com/>, Highland High School
(505) 400-4399
District VII High School Band VP
HHS Fine Arts Department Chair
New Mexico Music Educators Association, member
From: R Mike Goodrich <gogoodrich at yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 9:46:02 AM
To: Gonzales, Josephine; Melecia Garcia; Denise Tomlin; Mary Scofield; Brian Tankersley; Theresa Cordova; Manuel Mendez; Hhsband at mailman.swcp.com
Subject: Upcoming stuff

Hi all!!
We are one week away from BAND CAMP!!
I have been getting ready!! I am already preparing for the water balloon Battle in the Courtyard, but is there a faucet either in or near the courtyard so I can do all the fill and prep work? Since I moved, it will be MUCH harder to try and do all that work and move that much water. ANY faucet will do, I can bring the hoses from the shed to reach to a good area to build. I could also use a few extra empty storage bins or coolers to put water and balloons in, but not the light weight ones- they will bulge and bend/break from the weight. I am planning on over 2000 balloons this year and about 80 water squirt sticks.
Opening day concert and powder dye party- I am also getting this ready, already have the dye and most extras.
March-a-thon: ALL is going well for the permit- we are 40 days out and can start barraging the neighborhood NCO's with info about March-a-thon, especially the SE Neighborhood Association.
I have reserved the police officers to show up at 930 to 1230.
For Day 1, this upcoming Monday, July 23, I will bring the Otter pops and electrical tape/duct tape.

What time next Friday (July 27) should the water battle start and be over?
What was the times and date for Opening day concert, BBQ, and dye party?
Besides Otter pops- is there anything else desired to fill the fridge with for band camp?
ANYTHING else needed for band camp?
What day will be the ice cream party. dodge ball(or other)? Stuff needed?

I am also getting myself ready to go on a donation crusade, so HOPEFULLY be bringing in some checks before long.

SOOOOO excited for the upcoming year!!

Let me know of the above AND anything/everything else that is needed or needs to be done!!

Thank you,
Mike Goodrich
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