[Hhsband] Fwd: Re: Valencia and stuff

lilangelhvnfn lilangelhvnfn at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 10:22:59 MDT 2018

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: "Gonzales, Josephine" <josephine.gonzales at aps.edu> Date: 10/4/18  9:00 AM  (GMT-07:00) To: Lilangelhvnfn <lilangelhvnfn at gmail.com>, Melecia Garcia <melgarcia505 at gmail.com>, Jessica Messier <jam7577 at yahoo.com>, Brian Tankersley <mbtankersley at gmail.com>, Betty Lujan <bluj at unm.edu>, Theresa Cordova <theresa22cordova at gmail.com>, R Mike Goodrich <gogoodrich at yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Valencia and stuff 


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner; the last few days have been crazy.

If I could get 10 -12 at about 32 inches that would be great!

For Saturday, I definitely need one parent to ride each bus, whatever is necessary for dinner, and then some help for percussion. Color guard should be self sufficient and since we have a 20 minute performance block we
 will have ample time to get on and off the field!

I'm fine with getting another cooler.

Other than that I think we're doing alright for Saturday...

Josephine Gonzales

Director of Bands, Highland High School

(505) 400-4399

District VII High School Band VP
HHS Fine Arts Department Chair

New Mexico Music Educators Association, member

From: R Mike Goodrich <gogoodrich at yahoo.com>

Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2018 8:26:13 AM

To: Gonzales, Josephine; Lilangelhvnfn; Melecia Garcia; Jessica Messier; Brian Tankersley; Betty Lujan; Theresa Cordova

Subject: Valencia and stuff

Ms G.- How did the tube shaped weights work out? Need more or different lengths?

Pattie- We should send out an update email for Valencia- times, jobs, food, snacks, etc.

We will need a large pit crew- everything goes on real grass so extra bodies will be good.
We also need to make sure that there is a lot of help for Color Guard getting ready, and we should take a couple of water dispensers and a wagon,and have a couple of parents follow the band from when they report
 till they perform. It can be a long time on them without any water if they need it.

I am bringing ALL the beverages- water, gator-ades, sodas, kool-ades.
I also have a LOT of the fruit chew band snacks and I will bring those as well.

BOOSTERS: I am going to need at least one extra large cooler, and the band could use one as well, so I want to purchase a new LARGE cooler for the band, to leave in the shed for needed uses. I want
 to get one with heavy duty handles and maybe with wheels for easier moving around.
I need an OK on that. (a good- big cooler well be $75 to $125, depending on if I can find a good one on sale or not.)

Do we need ANYTHING else??

Let me know,
Thank you,
Mike Goodrich

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