[Hhsband] Spring Band Updates

Gonzales, Josephine josephine.gonzales at aps.edu
Wed Mar 4 14:57:35 MST 2020

Greetings Hornet Band Family!

I hope this email finds you well. There are a number of exciting things coming up that I wanted to make sure you are all aware of:

Pre-MPA Concert - This Thursday, 3/5, is our pre-MPA performance. The concert starts at 6pm at the Highland PAC. We will have Wilson, Hayes, Van Buren, and Highland concert bands perform at this time.

Basketball Playoffs - we are thrilled that both of our boys and girls basketball teams are having a phenomenal year and both teams are going to be participating in the state playoff games. We are excited to go out and support our school, but what this means for us is there are going to need to be some last-minute additions to pep band. In this process we won't know about our next game until a day or two in advance so we're letting the kids know about the schedule as soon as we can. Our first round of games are this Friday and Saturday.

Student Led Conferences - Our parent-student-teacher conferences for the district are coming up next week on 3/12 and 3/13. We will not have school these days.

Music Performance Assessment - Tuesday, 3/24. This event is our annual concert band adjudication. This year the event will be held at Atrisco Heritage Academy PAC. We will leave school at 2pm (if we have some parents that can drive some equipment and a few students, it would be a huge help). Boosters will provide dinner for students. We perform at 7:30, will be done with pictures around 8:30, and we will get back to school around 9pm.

Chipotle Fundraiser - SPREAD THE WORD! We need people to go eat at the Chiptole on Central and Columbia on Wednesday, April 1st between the hours of 4-8pm. Mention the Highland Band at the register in order for us to get credit!

California Pizza Kitchen Fundraiser - SPREAD THE WORD! We need people to go eat at the CPK in Uptown on Saturday, April 18th, all day. Mention the Highland Band when you check out in order for us to get credit!

That's all for now; Go Hornets!

Josephine Gonzales
Director of Bands<http://highlandhighband.wordpress.com/>, Highland High School
(505) 400-4399
District VII High School Band VP
New Mexico Music Educators Association, member
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