[Neighbors] auto noise emissions

bluet-78504--- via Neighbors_nobhill-nm neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com
Mon Sep 5 15:08:52 MDT 2016

Thanks Bob for the EPA website where they accept federal responsibility for enforcing rules against car/truck/bike owners who make after-marked mods that increase engine emissions. Unfortunately they require a citizen to report a violator using unknown data such as owner's name and address. If CABQ collaborated with EPA then the CABQ Smoking vehicle website could be used to report noise violators to the EPA with just the vehicle's license plate number.

BTW - Interesting story in the New York Times September 5th edition, titled: "Rolling Coal". It seems some drivers can be even more obnoxious, intentionally blasting opaque diesel exhaust at other road users using modified exhaust devices. Unfortunately, the article concluded that no one at any level of government cares much about real enforcement. (Quality of Life laws must not generate enough revenue ;)


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