Rob, we didn't get a newsletter this time nor last. Not sure if our street is being missed...
Amherst SE 300 block. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2017, at 3:26 PM, ronhalbgewachs via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <> wrote:

Greetings to Everyone Again,

Thank you! Thank you!  I believe we have volunteers for all of the NHNA Newsletter Delivery routes!

I really appreciate all of the volunteers that have stepped forward to help with this important task in our neighborhood.

Take care all,

Ron Halbgewachs

-----Original Message-----
From: ronhalbgewachs
Sent: Sep 8, 2017 9:24 PM
To: ""
Cc: Ron Halbgewachs , NobHill BOD
Subject: Nob Hill Fall Newsletter Delivery - Need Help

Greetings to Everyone!


The Fall Nob Hill Neighborhood Association Newsletter has been printed and is ready for delivery.  I am sending this email to you because we need help in the delivery of the newsletter.  When you volunteer to deliver a relatively small number of newsletters, by teaming together we deliver nearly 3000 newsletters to all of our neighbors.  On average, a route covers about 100 newsletters.  I am currently short by ten people to help deliver the Newsletter.  I have listed the routes still open at the end of this email.  Note that odd numbered routes are NE and even numbered routes are SE.


--> Please let me know ASAP if you will be able to help us with this very important contact with all of our neighbors.   We need to have the newsletters all delivered no later than September 17th. 


Also note that our Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28th at Monte Vista Christian Church, 5:30 PM for refreshments & meeting at 6:00 PM.


Routes still open:


ROUTE             SIZE                 LOCATION      


Route #  2         140                  Girard/Dartmouth SE

Route #  5         120                 Monte Vista/Campus NE/Central NE

Route #  6          90                  Bryn Mawr SE

Route # 10       100                  Tulane SE       

Route # 12         80                  Amherst/Carlisle SE

Route # 16       165                  Aliso/Morningside SE 

Route # 19         75                  Chula Vista/Fontana NE

Route # 21A      90                  Washington/Montclaire/Fontana NE   

Route # 21B     110                 Washington/Roma/Lomas NE 

Route # 23       100                  Washington/Ridgely NE



Thank you for your consideration of this important task,


Ron Halbgewachs

Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Newsletter Delivery Coordinator