And the public has not been able to see the January 19, 2018 comments about the 2017 RFI either. It is stamped DRAFT. And veterans should beware the serious threat to the Veterans Administration Hospital drinking water supply well that no longer has a monitoring well because it was submerged by a rising water table.! It was known in 2009 that the water table was rising and action was not taken. Today 53 out of 62 shallow groundwater monitoring wells are submerged and can't monitor the plume of toxic Ethylene Dibromide.
The RCRA Facility Investigation is the most important document that can be produced by the Air Force because it is supposed to have all the data necessary about the site in order to come up with a plan for long term remediation. Year after year the same data gaps are seen -- how much, how deep and wide, how fast, how close to municipal wells.
And it's evident from these two docs that the AF has done an extremely poor job for the RFI.
Instead what we get is a bunch of Strategy Plans that are unenforceable and a plan by the Air Force to move to "monitored natural attenuation" instead of aquifer cleanup.
Please forward to your list serve.
Dave McCoy, Executive Director
Citizen Action New Mexico
818 448-9981