I'm so glad to see recommendations for ways of controlling pests that are healthy for humans and pets! What a great neighborhood :)

I started seeing more roaches indoors last summer.

Niban granular has been effective for me, in case you'd rather have something pre-made. It used to be used by an organic pest control company I hired way back (by the way, what you get through one of those isn't always healthy), but it's available for homeowners to use.

I got it through Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_5/143-7982288-7862527?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=niban+granular+bait+-+4+lb.+shaker&sprefix=niban%2Caps%2C614&crid=QVLV72D2K5VJ

I apply it whenever I see them starting up ~ takes a couple to a few days to "kick in". Also reapply after rains. It's easy to sprinkle around the outdoors (I put along the edges of the house and inside the edges of the garage - can also use under the house). What I like best about it is that the roaches take it back to share with those in the nest. If I recall correctly, it kills by disrupting their ability to get nutrition from food ~ so if you see one moving slowly, it's working. Here, as in the previous note, the effective ingredient is boric acid.

Have a great time setting up for your hummers :)



On Apr 26 2018 8:39 AM, Sam Bawcum via Neighbors_nobhill-nm wrote:

If your neighbors are spraying poison, this may be pushing roaches to your safe haven.
Here's a recipe that has worked very well for me.

Planet Friendly Killer Roach Bait
16oz Boric Acid (sold as Hot Shot Roach Killing Powder, 99% Boric Acid, at Ace Hardware)
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup flour
Coconut oil to hold it all together (or some other fatty substance), 1/2 to 1 cup
Add enough water to bring to a clay-like consistency

I make 1 inch balls and toss them in the crawl space.  Also, I construct little roach hotels out of plastic containers (cutting triangle doors on 4 sides of yogurt containers) and bait them with this concoction.  For every 1 roach you see, there are a hundred more hiding.  This has really worked for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: JRB via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <neighbors_nobhill-nm@mailman.swcp.com>
To: Nob Hill Neighbors <neighbors_nobhill-nm@mailman.swcp.com>
Sent: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 11:02 pm
Subject: [Neighbors] Bugs

Hello:  I have lived near Solano and Lomas for the past 20 years.  Never had much of a bug problem - one or two roaches found in the house per season.  However, recently I have found at least 6 or 7 of the little buggers wandering around in my house.  Wondering if anyone else is experiencing a similar situation.  Also, I noticed that the hummers have arrived.  Time to fire up the feeders. Regards. 

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