Hi Neighbors,
I am working on some Vision Zero activities this weekend if anyone wants to join me. New Mexico has the highest pedestrian fatality rate in the country, and many of those are in Albuquerque. We are also high for bicyclist and motorcyclist fatalities.
To learn more about Vision Zero you can use this link: https://visionzeronetwork.org/about/what-is-vision-zero/
Here is a link to Vision Zero ABQ facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/visionzeroabq/
Here is a link to an interactive map of 2016 crash data for our region: http://mrmpo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=458f25296fd84db99c9730e6de8ce8ce
Here is a link to crash reports for our area developed by UNM: https://tru.unm.edu/index.html
I am thinking about walking around Sunday and taking some pictures and maybe doing some of the following activities:
Walking Audits
Adopt an Intersection
Letter Writing Campaign
Let me know if you are interested!
-Caeri, Chula Vista
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