Your neighborhood association is at work on your Fall 2018 newsletter.

We will continue our full color format of the last 6 issues. We are holding our rates steady so this remains an outstanding value reaching 3,000 residences and businesses.

We prize Nob Hill businesses and constantly promote your success with a ‘Think Nob Hill First’ message.

If you signed up and paid for your two-issue package last Spring you are receiving a 10% discount on your Spring and Fall ads. We will be contacting you to confirm your package and your ad copy.

If you’re not signed up yet please be part of our Fall issue and keep Nob Hill the special place it is to work, live, dine, and shop. Deadline for ads is July 31.

Visit for details and contact information.

¡Viva Nob Hill! Tandi and Veronica, editors; Gary, ad mgr.