Hello Neighbors, 

Please consider running for the La Montanita COOP Board of Directors this year. I was elected last year to finish a term for a director who had to step down. It was a great experience, but due to major life changes I cannot run again this year. 

As many of you know the COOP is a major retail anchor for our commercial district and the historic Nob Hill Shopping Center.  We need good candidates who are committed to this neighborhood and to a sustainable and local food industry to serve on this Board. If you are interested, see the application attached and the contact person to send it to in the email below. 

Thanks for your consideration in this matter, we need more representation from our neighborhood on this board.


P.S. You must be an active member of La Montanita in good standing for the past 12 months to qualify as a candidate.

From: Board President -Chad Jones
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 8:11 AM
To: LMC - Board
Subject: 2018: Board Candidate Packet.
Good morning All, 
Attached is the PDF for board applicants. Any member who submits an application is to send it to Kelly Cravens <Kellyc@lamontanita.coop> by midnight on Wednesday, October 17. 

Please distribute to anyone you encourage to apply. 
Thank you,

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