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From: Baca, Vanessa <vanessabaca@cabq.gov>
Date: Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) Weekly E-News - Monday, Dec. 17, 2018

APD Invites Community To Meet Newest Cadets This Tuesday

The Albuquerque Police Department (APD) cordially invites the public to attend a Meet and Greet this Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 6:00 p.m., Albuquerque Police Academy, 5412 2nd St. NW, to meet the newest members of the police department. The Meet and Greet with the 120th Cadet Class is an opportunity to meet the 33 new police officers, ask questions, learn more about the department and the police academy experience, and enjoy some refreshments.  To learn more, contact Amanda Tapia at: actapia@cabq.gov


Westside Emergency Housing Center Offers Shelter to Those Experiencing Homelessness

The Westside Emergency Housing Center, formerly known as the Winter Shelter, is providing a safe and welcoming environment to men, women and families experiencing homelessness. The Center picks up at Coronado Park, 301 McKnight NW, every evening at 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m., and drops off every morning around 7:00 a.m. For more information, call (505) 839-9193 or visit: www.cabq.gov/family/news/westside-emergency-housing-center


Goodwill GoodJobs Program Seeking Applicants

The GoodJobs Program through Goodwill Industries is actively seeking job seekers 18 years old and over. The GoodJobs Program offers help with resume writing, interview techniques, application completion, and overall job readiness, in addition to actually connecting people with employers. This program is free to our community, so please share far and wide. Goodwill also provides free programs for military veterans, seniors 55 and over, and individuals with brain injuries. To learn more about this great program for our city, visit: https://www.goodwillnm.org/job-search-help.html


Neighborhood Association Meetings Around Town

·       Albuquerque Meadows, Monday, Dec. 17 at 6:00 p.m., Albuquerque Meadows Clubhouse. E-mail: stetson414@gmail.com for more information.

·       Semillas y Raices, Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 6:00 p.m., Art Center Square (AC2). E-mail: s33dsnroots@gmail.com for more information.

·       Glenwood Hills, Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m., Dwyer Substation. E-mail: treasurer@glenwoodhills.net for more information.

·       Four Hills Village, Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m., Canyon Club. E-mail: aman328@aol.com for more information.

·       Sawmill Area, Wednesday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m., 1801 Bellamah NW. E-mail: sanaboard@sawmillna.org for more information.

·       Elder Homestead, Thursday, Dec. 20 at 6:00 p.m., César Chávez Community Center. E-mail: carlpennington1004@yahoo.com for more information.

·       Santa Barbara Martineztown, Thursday, Dec. 20 at 6:00 p.m., 1420 Edith NE. E-mail: sbmartineztown@gmail.com for more information.

·       South Broadway, Thursday, Dec. 20 at 6:00 p.m., South Broadway Cultural Center. E-mail: sbnaabq@gmail.com for more information

·       Westgate Heights, Thursday, Dec. 20 at 6:00 p.m., 9901 Benavidez SW. E-mail: westgate9901@gmail.com for more information.


UNM Bookstore Offering Discounts for Holiday Season

Looking for last minute gifts? Want to support your local university? Why not do both and shop at the UNM Bookstore? The annual Last Minute Holiday Sale takes place at both Main Campus and North Campus locations starting Monday, Dec. 17 through Thursday, Dec. 20. You’ll get some great discounts on gifts, clothing, books and more! Visit: https://news.unm.edu/news/unm-bookstores-offer-last-minute-holiday-sale to learn more.


City Clerk Seeking Nominations for Public Improvement District (PID) Board Elections

The City Clerk’s Office recently issued a call for nominations for Public Improvement District (PID) Board Elections. The nomination deadline is January 4 and Election Date is March 5. Board positions are available for the Boulders, Lower Petroglyph, Saltillo, and Volterra PIDs, and you must reside within one of the four improvement districts to be nominated and serve. Qualified individuals interested in seeking election can complete the nomination and acceptance form at: www.cabq.gov/vote/public-improvement-district-elections. Contact Katy Duhigg, City Clerk, at: (505) 924-3650 or: CityClerk@cabq.gov for more information.


Tips to Combat Holiday Depression

According to the American Psychological Association, 38% of people say their level of stress goes up during the holiday season, due to reasons such as: lack of time, lack of money, commercialism, the pressures of gift-giving and family gatherings. Here are a few suggestions to combat holiday depression, either for yourself or for loved ones:

·       Don’t judge someone or overreact if they tell you they are feeling down during the holidays.

·       If you are feeling down, lean on your support system. Call friends or family and reconnect with them.

·       If you sense someone is feeling sad or lonely, try to include them in festivities.

·       For yourself, if you know something or someone can trigger feelings of sadness or depression, consider avoiding it or them.

·       Keep your holiday expectations modest and don’t expect the holidays to be perfect. If you don’t decorate or put up holiday lights, that’s ok.

·       Consider doing something different, such as taking a trip, eating out at a restaurant, or going to the movies.

·       Volunteer to help others on Christmas Day, such as serving meals to the homeless or donating food. Sometimes helping those less fortunate can also help by reminding us of what we have.

·       Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it’s with decorating the tree, or telling a friend you feel sad. People want to help so call upon them.

·       Eat and drink sensibly, and don’t forget to get in some exercise each day.

·       Remember that seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can be helped by getting some sunshine, or even using a sun lamp, which can help with seasonal depression.

·       If you’re concerned about someone who does not seem themselves, or if someone mentions thoughts of suicide or violence, please refer them for help.

·       For emergencies, call 911. Albuquerque residents can call the New Mexico Crisis Line at 1-855-NMCRISIS (1-855-662-7474), or the Peer Support Specialist Hotline at 1-855-466-7100. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 at any time of the day or night, 7 days a week.

Give yourself a break and remember that it’s the season of kindness, so be kind to others and most of all, be kind to yourself.


Valley Gardens Neighborhood Association Hosting Holiday Toy Drive For Kids in Need

The Valley Gardens Neighborhood Association is hosting a toy drive to benefit kids in need in their neighborhood this holiday season. If you are interested in helping out, you can drop off toy donations at Pizza 9 on Coors and Rio Bravo SW, or directly to the neighborhood association. Contact Antoinette Dominguez, Valley Gardens NA President, at: ajuarez8.ad@gmail.com


No Parking in Bicycle Lanes Enforcement Ongoing

Last week, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) began enforcing “No Parking in a Bicycle Lane”. Ordinance O-18-14 was passed in June 2018, and goes into effect December 19. However, APD will have a grace period through January 31, 2019, where citizens in violation of the ordinance will only receive a warning; but after that date, citations will be issued. To learn more about the ordinance, visit: http://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/residents/parking/no-parking-in-the-bicycle-lane/?1


ONC Video Training on Public Notification Process Available on YouTube

The Office of Neighborhood Coordination, the Planning Department, and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Office teamed up in November to offer a training on the public notification process for applicants and developers as a result of the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) new requirements. If you weren’t able to attend the training, check out the video from the event, at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsDbtwS06tU


City Holiday Closures Coming Up

In observance of the Christmas holiday coming up, the City will offer limited services and service closures. On Tuesday, Dec. 25, there will be NO bus or Sun Van paratransit service, NO trash or recycle pickup, NO 311 call center service, and all community and senior centers will be closed. The golf courses, museums, BioPark and Zoo, and swimming pools will all be closed, as well. A complete list of holiday closures can be found at: www.cabq.gov/holiday/news/christmas-holiday-information



Vanessa Baca

Neighborhood Communication Liaison, Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC)

City Council Department

(505) 768-3331 Office

Website: www.cabq.gov/neighborhoods




Greg Weirs
505 515 6334 (M)
505 265 9995 (H)