Thank you, Gary & Kurt. 
After our recent conversations about this, I asked our Transit director to visit Nob Hill and other parts of Central with me. We took a tour last week to look at options for this and he has directed his engineers to design a few options we can present to the neighborhood & merchants. This letter helps show that we support that effort.

I'll keep you informed of our progress (and don't be afraid to poke me if a few weeks pass without an answer)> Pat

Pat Davis

City Councilor, District 6

Phone 505.768.3100 | email | website |

From: Gary & Melodie Eyster []
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 2:09 PM
To: Davis, Pat
Cc: Foran, Sean M.; 'Nob Hill Main Street'; 'TheBoard NobHill-NM';
Subject: Emailing: Request for a Central Ave. Crosswalk.jpg

Good afternoon, Councilor Davis,


Kurt Oelsner and I are pleased to forward this joint request from Nob Hill Main Street and Nob Hill Neighborhood Association for your help in obtaining one or more crosswalks on Central Ave. beginning with Tulane Dr.


Our groups share a deep concern for the health of our historic commercial district and the safety of our families, a concern you have shown that you feel too.


Please let us know that you can help us with this urgent need.


With kind regards, Gary

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