Dear Neighbors,
Last night at our neighborhood association outreach we offered to provide email addresses for Carrie Barkhurst and Terra Reed, the CABQ planners who led our discussions. They are copied on this email and are eager to address your questions.
I would like to express our sincere thanks to them for coming to speak with us. Several neighbors told me how impressed they were with Carrie and Terra’s knowledge and their ability to share it. The website they discussed is
Thank you to Lucille Torres Long and Greg Weirs, the directors who organized this event. I would like the neighborhood to know of the outstanding board of directors that you have leading your association. I apologize for not introducing them last night. They deserve our appreciation.
Thank you to Yanni’s. When you want to shop, dine, and enjoy THINK NOB HILL FIRST!
If you have concerns that you would like your association to address please reach out. If you would like to suggest topics for outreach events or reports in your newsletter let us know. If you can help, we need you.
Thanks for making a great turnout last night and ¡Viva Nob Hill!