Just a thought, the key sentence in the above email is........?

The final proposal may also need approval from the Federal Transit Administration.  It is expected that the FTA will allow the city to petition for localized changes after service begins.

Is it just me or does this sound, well really, we have to wait until the system is up and running for them to shut down a section while they install lights and a cross walk.  Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder how that will work.

On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 1:47 PM paul via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <neighbors_nobhill-nm@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
I received the preliminary plans of the crosswalk from Councilor Davis’ office this morning and was thrilled to see a median planted with trees breaking up the grotesque expanse of asphalt that replaced the median planted with trees that A.R.T. ripped away.  Sadly, of course, the photo with the superimposition of a crosswalk was taken before A.R.T. was pushed through behind closed doors.  There will be no median planted with trees, just white stripes reminiscent of a scar spanning a dead city scape that was the heart of our neighborhood.
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