Eliminating Bus Fare in ABQ
More than 30 American cities have transitioned to a free-fare option, but Albuquerque would be the largest. Here in New Mexico, Los Alamos' system is 100% free
and Santa Fe provides free rides for students.
Although the small fare of a few cents or dollar is not a lot to most of us, for those who are transit-dependent, having to find correct change or keep track of the balance on a pass is complicated. And not having the right change or right pass can prevent
someone from accessing work, community programs or school. The City's citizen-led Transit Advisory Board unanimously endorsed the idea earlier this year. The community group Together 4 Brothers surveyed young people of color and found that 70% would use transit
to access jobs, education, and programs if it were free. And Mayor Keller's program providing summer bus passes to youth proves the benefits: ridership increased systemwide by more than 10% when students were given passes.
Other cites implementing "Fare-Free" programs found that free transit:
- Increases access to job opportunities outside of oneās neighborhood
- Reduces truancy by providing reliable access to school programs, especially for specialized programs outside
of a neighborhood school
- Increases participation in City and community events, after-school and summer programs
- Reduces wait times at stops caused by passengers having to manage change and passes
- Decreases conflicts with drivers over fares
- Increases ridership by 25%, on average
- Reduces community greenhouse gas emissions by reducing individual auto trips
And a Federal Transit Administration study of fare-free programs found that those most likely to benefit are seniors, students, and low-income riders, groups most sensitive to cost when deciding how to participate in our community.
What's next?
The City Council has asked Mayor Keller to include "Fare-Free" transit as a budget priority for FY21. The Mayor will present his budget to Council on April 1. In the meantime, the Council will schedule hearings on legislation to establish a working group
and ordinances to eliminate fares. Look for those hearing dates online and in this email soon!