Peter Marks via NMCCSCeGroup nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com
Tue Oct 22 00:29:20 MDT 2019

Hello skiers, I am still in need of at least one more volunteer  to help with the ski swap this Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 

For those who are not familiar with the ski swap, it is both a fund raiser for the Sandia Peak ski patrol and a great venue to find both used and new equipment, clothing, etc. Here is a link to their website: http://www.nmskiswap.org/index.php <http://www.nmskiswap.org/index.php>. The NMCCSC has traditionally set up a table at the swap with information about the club and, to some extent, respond to questions from people who may not be that knowledgable about XC skiing and equipment. We could also use another volunteer to help with the Saturday morning shift from 8 to 1 and the Sunday shift from 11 to 3. If you are only able to be there a few hours that would be great also. Volunteers do not have to pay any admission fee though you do have to pay for your parking. Please let me know if you can help out. Thanks.

Peter Marks

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