[NMCCSC] downed trees on Switchbacks

Dean Kuethe dean.kuethe at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 17:51:00 MST 2020

I have another big chainsaw, 2-man crosscut saw, axes, one peevee.
Also not sure about holiday schedule.
We climbed over those logs on Sunday.
Those experienced with trail maintenence:  Should we ask permission or just
do the work?

On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 1:24 PM Amy Mathis via NMCCSCeGroup <
nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I saw this email from someone from Sandia Nordic club and wanted to let
> you all know.
> “I was up yesterday and was surprised at how many downed logs there are on
> lower switchback just up from the service road. Makes the ascent from the
> service road impossible unless you use Kiwanis meadow which is badly wind
> blown.  I’ve never seen It that bad. Upper switchback is ok.
> Did not take a comprehensive look at the entire magnitude of what would be
> entailed BUT would the forest service allow us to just clear EXISTING
> switchback trails to allow/enhance access and the enjoyment for all?
> My schedule is sketchy but if in town would be happy to help,( it would
> take at least three hearty individuals ) and I do have a good chainsaw/ 20
> inch bar.”
> Thanks,
> Amy
> Sent from my iPad
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