[NMCCSC] want radio recommendations

Scott A. Mitchell via NMCCSCeGroup nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com
Sat Jan 4 22:54:04 MST 2020

I'd like a recommendation for radios club overnight yurt/hut trips, and I
know others have put way more thought into this than I have. I know the club
usually uses a higher GMRS channel.


Want the obvious, in rough priority order:

long range in forest / mountains

reasonable battery life

simple to use

able to recharge/replace batteries on multi day trip; I have some of those
batteries packs with usb output for phone recharging that could be used to

lightweight - longer battery life more important

I'm not particularly price sensitive; above more important


Thoughts on these?


Midland - GXT1000VP4, 50 Channel GMRS Two-Way Radio - Up to 36 Mile Range
Walkie Talkie, 142 Privacy Codes, Waterproof, NOAA Weather Scan + Alert
(Pair Pack) (Black/Silver)


seems to be controversy over it's 5w capabilities


2 Way Radio 5 Watt Long Range, SAMCOM 20 Channels Programmable Walkie
Talkie,Rechargeable Hand-held UHF Business Radio for Skiing Hiking Hunting,2



MotorolaR TalkaboutR T600 H2O Rechargeable Two-Way Radios with NOAA Weather



-          Scott


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